Mugen - HTTP for Asynchronous Requests

Mugen is library for http asynchronous requests.

Only running on python 3.4.0+

ok, code demo:

import asyncio
import mugen

async def task():
    url = ''
    resp = await mugen.get(url)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Mugen is a name from Samurai Champloo (サムライチャンプル, 混沌武士)

Feature Support

  • Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling

  • DNS cache

  • Sessions with Cookie Persistence

  • Automatic Decompression

  • Automatic Content Decoding

  • HTTP(S) Proxy Support

  • Connection Timeouts

The User Guide


Pip Install Requests

Mugen is running on Python ^3.7, installing with pip3:

$ pip3 install mugen

Install from Source Code

Mugen is developed on GitHub. You can find here.

Clone the repository:

$ git clone git://

or, download the tarball:

$ curl -OL

Install it:

$ python3 install


Following is simple demo to show you how mugen works.

Make a Request

To make a asynchronous request with mugen, firstly, you must import the standard library asyncio and mugen:

import asyncio
import mugen

OK, let us define a coroutine function as an asynchronous task, so asyncio can be use it. The task will make an asynchronous request. Finally, We give the task to one asynchronous loop which is generated by asyncio:

async def task():
    resp = await mugen.get('')

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Here, we get a Response object called resp after the request is over. resp contains all the information of the request.


We will ignore loop define, after above code, as you has known it.

We can also make a POST request, simply as following:

resp = await'', data='fooboo')

Now, mugen supports HTTP request types: GET, POST, HEAD. Other methods is on the load.

Parameters in URLs

Like requests, Passing Parameters to urls is easy.

params = {'foo': 'boo'}
resp = await mugen.get('', params=params)

Response Content

We can read the content of the server’s response.

resp = await mugen.get('')

resp.content is the origin bytes of the response (decoded if transfer-encodings is gzip or deflate), we can get its unicode string by resp.text which decoded by resp.encoding. If resp.encoding is wrong, setting it to the right encoding.

JSON Response Content

Handling JSON response content, mugen use standard library json.

resp = await mugen.get('')

More complicated POST requests

To send some form-encoded data — much like an HTML form.

data = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
resp = await mugen.get('', data=data)

We can also put str or bytes to data.

POST a Multipart-Encoded File

Now, mugen does not support post a multipart-encoded file.

Response Status Codes, Headers, Cookies, redirection

The status code of one response can be get by Request.status_code:

resp = await mugen.get('')

The headers of the response is at resp.headers, cookies is resp.cookies and redirecting history locates resp.history.


Setting second timeout to a request:

resp = await mugen.get('', timeout=10)

Connection Pool

Mugen uses only one global connection pool to manage all connections.

We assume that ALL connections will be used more then once. So, when we use loop.run_until_complete(task()) to start the loop, at the end of loop, ALL connections will not be closed automatically. This could raise a exception.

If we just want to use one connection only once, please, setting recycle=False to the request:

import asyncio
import mugen

async def task():
    url = ''
    resp = await mugen.get(url, recycle=False)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


Mugen supports session like other http library.

session = mugen.session()
resp = await session.get('')

mugen.session() makes a Session object session for us, using to handle parts of requests.


Mugen supports HTTP and HTTPS proxy. But it doesn’t like requests.

# for http proxy
proxy = ''
resp = await mugen.get('', proxy=proxy)

# for https proxy
proxy = ''
resp = await mugen.get('', proxy=proxy)


New in version 0.4.0.

Mugen also supports SOCKS5 protocol proxy from version 0.4.0.

# for SOCKS5 proxy
proxy = 'socks5://'
resp = await mugen.get('', proxy=proxy)

# or
proxy = 'socks5://username:password@host:port'
resp = await mugen.get('', proxy=proxy)